There are a lot of cool things out there in the pop culture world and some of them need to be my very own. If only I was bazillionaire. However, I am not. Still a girl can dream can't she?

Because nothing says love, like a Han in Carbonite chocolate bar. It's what everyone should get their sweetie for Valentine's Day or me, whenever cause I like chocolate and that scruffy looking nerf-herder named Han Solo. You can grab them
How could you not want him. He is so cute. And plus he reminds me of one of my sister's characters from one of her books (which I hope someday will be published once it was finished...and yes that was a hint) You can grab him
Doctor Who = awesome. (Though I am not to sure how I feel about the new said about no more Tennant, but I am not going to make any judgments until I see him in action because to be honest I felt the same way about Tennant taking over from Eccleston) I already own the screwdriver, need the pretty little journal now. You can order it from
Entertainment Earth
Ooh pretty. Tarot with Vertigo images. Yeah. john Constantine = The Fool, The Endless scattered throughout and more. Plus artwork by Dave McKean...need I say more. Can be bought for me...I mean you
And finally...because a girl can dream. The person who made this gets every shiny gold star I own. More pics are
Oh sure, now the comment field comes up. I posted a comment on the last post regarding the Han Solo chocolate-- gotta get me some of that.